Let’s start by breaking your preparations into 2 categories.
First, prepare yourself.
Second, prepare the stuff.
Why prepare yourself first?
My experience has been that regardless of the “stuff” I bring along, if I am not emotionally and mentally prepared for the road ahead, then it is going to be a rough ride. And no amount of coloring pages or games will fix that.
Trust me. YOU are the most important part of your preparation. I’ve got 6 tips you don’t want to overlook as you head out the door on your next adventure. So let’s get started!
#1 Take an honest look at reality.
Reality check…we are traveling with children. They are unpredictable, emotional, and full of energy. We know this AND we are agreeing to strap them into the car and be cooped up for a lot of hours; pretty sure this was NOT their idea.
So be nice–even when they are not!
And that picture in your head of what a family road trip should look like. You know, the one where everyone’s happy to be together, getting along, playing license plate bingo, and singing as you drive for hours.
Dump it! It’s not real life and it sets an unrealistic expectation.
Exploring a roadside stop in Northern Arizona.
For our family reality is somewhere in the middle. We’ve had great days, terrible days, and everything in between on the road. Keep reading for the steps we take to create a day of sane and enjoyable travel.
Love the advice of adjusting your expectations. We do a lot of road trips as well and I find that the worst trips are when I expect my kids to be perfect and then I’m disappointed when they are, well, kids!